Monday, January 21, 2013

Task 1 Information About Me

Information About Me

Welcome to the first official post for my FINC 371 blog spanning the entirety of the Spring 2013 semester!  Below I have listed information about myself to satisfy the requirements of our first official task.  I hope you enjoy reading about me and getting to know me more. 

Basic Information
My name is Kristopher Kearney Jr., and I am a fourth year finance major from Frisco, Texas.  I am excited to be graduating this May.  It is hard to believe that my years at A&M will soon be coming to an end after making lifetime friends and unforgettable memories.  With that being said, I look forward to the challenges ahead of me.

Hobbies and Interests
There are several interests that I pursue in my spare time.  Football has been a passion of mine since I began playing in middle school.  My playing days are limited to flag football now, but I still make a point to hit the field with my friends every weekend.  Other intramural sports that I participate in are basketball and softball.  

I am also involved in my fraternity.  I am a proud member of Sigma Phi Epsilon.  I currently live at our fraternity house, and I have held several elected positions in the past.  I am a former Rush Chairman and Finance Chairman for the fraternity. 

I am also interested in pursuing a career in law.  I plan on attending law school as soon as I graduate from A&M.  Hopefully, I will be receiving good news later this semester regarding which school I will be attending.

What I Hope to Get Out of This Class
I am looking forward to learning more about the real estate business.  Hopefully FINC 371 will allow me to improve my knowledge on the subject.  FINC 371 will broaden my horizons in the field of finance, as this is the first real estate class I will have taken at A&M.  

I was inspired to sign up for this class after working for a transactional lawyer over the winter break and this upcoming summer.  As a transactional lawyer, my boss uses his knowledge of the real estate business to ensure deals go through daily.  If I choose to follow this career path, FINC 371 can help me learn how to do my job better.  

Career Goals
As I have mentioned in the previous paragraphs, I plan on graduating in May and attending law school in the state of Texas for the next three years.  My goal is to work for a big firm upon graduating from law school.  I have not quite pinpointed what type of law I plan on practicing.  Although I know I want to practice some variety of business law, I have not deciphered whether I want to focus on securities law or real estate transactions.  Long term, I would like to become partner at a big firm or begin my own law firm.  

Unique Fact
The most unique thing about me is I was born in Manchester, England.  My father used to play professional basketball in England for the Manchester Giants.  My father and mother moved to England after getting married and graduating from Florida Southern College.  My mother became pregnant with me during my father's final season playing basketball.  I was their first born child.  My family decided to return to the United States a few months after my birth, which is why I lack a distinct British accent.  I was born with duel citizenship, but now I am solely an American citizen.  

Bucket List
There are several things I would like to do in my life before I pass away.  It has always been my dream to attend the Super Bowl.  Any fan of the NFL will tell you that there is no bigger rush than seeing your favorite team hoist the Lombardi Trophy upon winning a Super Bowl.  Luckily, I have seen one of my favorite teams, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, win the Super Bowl in my lifetime already.  The experience would be that much better if I could see them win the Super Bowl in person.

I would also like to see The Aggies win a National Championship in football some day.  This goal is certainly out of my hands, but nothing would make me happier nonetheless.  

The one thing I truly wish I could participate in is an episode of Saturday Night Live.  SNL has been my favorite TV show since Adam Sandler and Chris Farley were cast members.  I have always dreamed of issuing the iconic phrase "Live from New York, it's Saturday night!"  I have no idea how a finance student from Texas A&M would ever come across the opportunity to say those magical words, but it would be a lifelong dream to be able to.

Favorite Websites
Below are the links to several of my favorite websites:

Where I get my social media fix, and connect with current and former classmates.

Wall Street Journal
Where I stay up to date in the world of finance.

My favorite quiz website, where I enjoy wasting time.

Where I catch up on my favorite TV Shows.

Where I stay up to date in the world of sports.

Aggie Yell
Where I stay up to date with Aggie athletics.

A picture of my father and me

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